3CX V18 Service Pack 6 Compatibility

With every new release of 3CX, we start testing our tools for compatibility starting with the earliest alpha versions and continue to test through to the production release of 3CX. Service Pack 6 is no exception. But with every release of 3CX some new changes may have be included in the final release. As a result, we ask that you give us two weeks to perform our final tests. Even so, if you would like to try the currently released versions of our tools with SP6 now, we would greatly appreciate your feedback. Thus far, in our internal testing, no issues have been found.

In this latest release of 3CX, some significant changes were made to groups, security roles, office hours, holidays, DID routing, etc. We are still evaluating these changes looking for opportunities to enhance our tools to fully take advantage of the new features. If you have suggestions for enhancements please forward your ideas to Support@VoIPTools.com.

As a best practice, we always suggest you wait a little while before implementing the latest releases of 3CX, whether you use our tools or not. Over the years we have seen several occasions where 3CX has temporarily removed existing features only to restore the missing features to the PBX later. Also, whenever 3CX makes significant changes (like the changes included in SP6) there may be a brief period where issues with 3CX are identified and fixes released with further service packs.

In the case of SP6, many of the new features first appeared in the StartUp edition of 3CX. The StartUP edition has been running on the 3CX hosted platform for quite a while. As a result, we expect SP6 to be very stable.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Matt Folsom

    Given the latest security issues with 3CX, will you be skipping ahead to release 7?

  2. Matthew Orr

    As of this post, the current version of 3CX is V18 Service Pack 7.

    The recent 3CX security problem was with a specific 3CX client, not the actual PBX. It was not an issue with our software. Nevertheless, we are compatible with V18 SP6 / SP7. I recommend upgrading your PBX to SP7. Also, the issue with the 3CX client was fixed by 3CX within a couple of days.

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