3CX V20 no longer includes audio compression for recordings

A user on the 3CX forums was lamenting the loss of audio compression when recordings are saved on disk.  According to 3CX Support, the determined that the type of compression they were using provided only modest compression, but made the recordings far less compatible with various audio players.  As a result, they elected to remove the option for audio compression in 3CX version 20, and said the feature will not return in the future.

Why is audio compression important?  Some industries (for example, investment brokers) are required to keep a copy of every phone call for a minimum of 15 years.  Can you imagine the amount of disk space that requires?  A 3CX recording requires 1 MB of disk per minute.  A busy firm could very quickly have storage requirements into the terabytes of data and that costs money.  Reducing the storage requirements by ¼ has a very significant impact on storage costs.

For those who still need compression, our 3CX Recording Manager is able to compress the archived version of the recording to 1/4 of the original size without any noticeable loss in audio quality, yet is still in a widely supported format that pretty much any application can play (MP3).

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